The flight simulator software and joystick cost probably around $100 together. In college, I traveled around with my laptop and a joystick for my simulator sessions (yes, I was, and still am, a nerd). I dig that my Eclipse Yoke has the Throttle/Mixture/Prop levers as well as thumb rudder pedals. Likewise, simulating different emergencies is like a visual flash card for checking your memory of flow checks and systems troubleshooting. Using checklists for a simulator flight is another chance to practice the flow. Taking it a level further, using a simulator to chair fly can be fun and rewarding. After all, you have to be able to visualize your flight in your mind before that will transfer to the airplane. Walking the traffic pattern, it is a great way to find the groove of what checks meet to happen when. Some will take it to the next level and draw a chalk or paint runway in their backyard, walking the imaginary taxiway as they complete the before takeoff checklist and make radio calls. You can grab a checklist and literally sit in a chair, reading through them as you visualize what you are doing, reaching out for an imaginary mixture knob and circuit breakers. I begin each flight at my home airport with the airplane “cold” and run through each checklist just like a real flight.Ĭhair flying can take many forms. Being able to set the clouds to your heart’s desire also means you can fly that approach you’ve been practicing to minimums and experience the joy of keeping your localizer and glide slope needles centered until you see that beautiful runway appear in front of you just a few hundred feet below.
I can’t for the life of me find an avionics shop in my area who can install that pause button into the real airplane. On the sim, just press “p” to pause the simulation if you need a moment to analyze the situation. In the cockpit it’s easy to get behind and overwhelmed in the learning environment. Flying an approach is about staying ahead of the airplane. Learning to transfer all the info on an approach plate to the controls of the airplane can be overwhelming, but taking an approach and flying it repeatedly on the simulator can help you get the altitudes and headings into your head as you reference the chart. I’m sure you see the common theme being that the documents you use to fly will work on the simulator as well, and approaches are no exception.